Emlyon Business School

MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations

Paris, France

Full time
18 months

This programs aims at training project managers able to understand and implement transformations:

Transformations in finance (value creation, funding)
Transformations in strategy (online, platforms, AI strategy)
Transformations in organizations (emotions, culture, human capital, leadership)


We want to abide by the 17 UN goals for sustainable development, especially:

5 Gender equality
8 Decent work and economic growth
11 Sustainable cities and communities
12 Responsible consumption and production
13 Climate action


In addition to this objective, there is a unique leadership development curriculum, because we think you will need leadership to implement your transformations with impact, as you will become a project manager, but not necessarily with a hierarchical link on the people you work with. To help you do so, you will have leadership seminars all throughout the program.


The 18 months of the program will be divided as follows:

September to March in Paris

Courses at emlyon business school on our Parisian campus

One-week International seminar in Europe to visit companies and meet professionals

April to June abroad

Courses in a partner university abroad (destination to be confirmed, as it changes every year)

July to December anywhere in the world

6-months professional mission (internship or full-time job)

Master’s thesis





Address: Paris, France