
We Started Access Online in 2016 with a Mission: to create a virtual space where prospective students like you can easily talk to school selection experts and the admissions representatives of leading international MBA and Master's programmes. With free access worldwide, we have welcomed over 127,000 event attendees to date. Our strength - excellence in organizing online education events of the highest quality and the uniquely personalised approach to each event registrant. Access Online is the preferred partner of the leading business schools and universities. Their admissions directors join us online to meet some of the best prospective candidates from all over the world. 

Discover Your Perfect Fit with Personalised Virtual Events

With Access Online, it's never been easier to connect with university representatives and explore the best MBA and Master’s programmes for you, free of charge. There is no need to spend time on daunting online research. Just sign up for your virtual event today.

Our personalised approach and comprehensive tools ensure efficiency and a rewarding experience. Access Online empowers prospective students to make well-informed and confident decisions about their education.

What We Offer 

Access Online covers a variety of perspectives on school selection to best serve our attendees:

  • Personalised matching to the best schools worldwide in our One-to-One/Small Group Masters, MBA & EMBA regional and global events
  • Study destinations focus in our Study in .. events
  • School presentations and inspiring keynote speakers in our Women & MBA showcase events

Candidates enjoy a diversity of event formats to fit their preference:

  • One-to-One sessions: meet the admissions representatives of up to 9 of the best-matching schools in a series of individual 25-minute sessions on the event day
  • Small group meetings: join fellow prospective applicants in 25-minute sessions with alumni and/or admission representatives of pre-selected schools
  • Showcase presentations: learn from inspiring speakers representing leading schools, companies and organisations in half-day back-to-back sessions

Once you sign up, we get back via email or a call. We match your interests and pre-schedule your meetings with the best business schools and universities so that you make the most of the event day. All for free.

Maximize Your Virtual Event Experience

After registering for each event of your choice, we’ll email you our e-guide with tips and tricks to help you make the most of your virtual sessions.

We’ve built our online platform for your rich event experience:

  • In addition to individual or small-group pre-scheduled 25-minute video conversations with school representatives, candidates enjoy school, test prep, scholarship and career presentations.
  • Private chats with the event hosts and school selection advisers help maximise your time.
  • Learning resources such as school profiles, blog articles, MBA and Master’s e-guides provide valuable details to plan the next steps.

On the day of the event, make sure you have the following technical setup to enjoy all features and formats:

  • Join on a desktop or laptop computer with an active camera and audio/headset
  • Use the latest version of your internet browser
  • Ensure a stable internet connection
  • If using an iOS device, join through the Safari browser and have the Zoom app installed