Bayes Business School (formerly Cass)

MSc in Mathematical Trading and Finance

London, United Kingdom

Full time
12 months

Would you like to develop innovative and effective trading strategies in the financial market with the help of advanced mathematical and statistical tools? Join the Mathematical Trading and Finance master’s to understand how to use your excellent applied mathematical skills in the world of finance.

In the MSc Mathematical Trading and Finance, you will focus on the tools used to develop algorithms for optimal investment decisions across various asset classes, and to monitor and assess trading risk in your books.

Consequently, emphasis is given to quantitative structuring and trading, and Machine Learning techniques. You will also acquire a sound knowledge of risk management, key financial securities such as equities, fixed income products and derivatives, asset pricing, and stochastic modelling. Finally, you will master advance programming skills in Python and Matlab.

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Admission requirements

19 / 40 (Min / Max)
Work experience (years)
40 (Max)




Address: London, United Kingdom