Schulich School Of Business - York University

Master of Management (MMgt)

Toronto, Canada

Full time
12 months
Tuition fee
27000 CAD

The Schulich 12-month full-time Master of Management (MMgt) is a business degree for high-achieving non-business graduates. It is designed to equip graduates from non-business programs with the tools they need to succeed in a variety of organizations and environments.

The MMgt pairs general management education with a special non-technical focus on developing leadership, problem-solving and communication skills. Students will build knowledge of the major disciplines of management and how they intersect, while developing key competencies that are valued by organizations and that will facilitate employment in a career with a future. The curriculum is highly experiential, culminating with an Enterprise Consulting Project in which students will collaboratively develop recommendations for a client organization.

Master of Management graduates will be eligible for significant advanced standing intotheSchulich MBA, after acquiring the requisite work experience necessary for the MBA.

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Admission requirements

21 / 24 / 30 (Min / Avg / Max)
Work experience (years)
1 / 2 (Avg / Max)


Employed at six months
Companies that are recruiting from our MBA program
Loblaws, Labatt, Bell, IBM, Scotiabank, BMO, Walmart, Amazon




Address: Toronto, Canada