ESCP Business School

MSc in Marketing and Digital Media

Madrid, Spain + 1 more

Full time
12 months
Tuition fee
20350 €
Application deadline
04 July, 2021

TheMSc in Marketing and Digital Mediamainly focuses on the digital marketing field to provide the students an integrative view of the different digital marketing tools and how they can play an important role in building a brand. It also puts an emphasis on how to apply marketing techniques and key strategic marketing aspects in an increasingly digital and globalised world. This way, during the learning process, it equips students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in an international, cutting-edge career in marketing.

The specialisation adopts a variety of teaching methods, such asblended learningas well ascase- and project-based teaching, to foster hands-on learning that allows students to put theoretical concepts into live practice.

Students start their studies in the vibrant city ofMadrid, where they stay for the first two terms. Next, students will be taking specialised courses either inLondonorBerlinand conclude their studies again in Madrid where they will engage in consultancy projects. On top of all these experiences, students will also interact with leading tech companies during the International Study Seminar, thus providing students with an updated and global knowledge base that is grounded in the most recent developments in the digital marketplace.

Admission requirements

20 / 26 (Min / Max)


Employed at three months
Companies that are recruiting from our MBA program
Bouygues Telecom, Vinci, L’Oréal, Danone, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Renault




Address: Madrid, Spain


Address: London, United Kingdom