Duke University - The Fuqua School Of Business

Accelerated MBA

Durham, United States of America

Full time - 1 year
10 months
Tuition fee
95700 $ (87037 €)

In less than a year our Accelerated Daytime MBA program builds on your prior knowledge to help you develop into a new kind of leader. Having already earned your master's degree in management, at Fuqua you'll skip the business fundamentals to immerse yourself in the electives and experiential learning opportunities that support your unique goals. Learning alongside a diverse group of peers, you'll develop a new way of working that draws out the strength in others and helps you become the leader who can inspire organizations to do better while doing what's best.

Admission requirements

29 (Avg)
Work experience (years)
6 (Avg)
Financial Times Ranking
11 Current 13 Average




Address: Durham, United States of America