ESSCA School Of Management

MSc in Finance and Data Analytics

Paris, France

Full time
18 months
Tuition fee
17900 €

Dive into the convergence of finance and technology with our MSc in Finance and Data Analytics. In today's digital world, staying ahead requires more than just basic finance skills-it demands expertise in data analytics.

Join us on a journey of mastering finance and data knowledge. Delve into the realm of big data, construct cutting-edge models, and make informed investment decisions. Your path starts with building a strong foundation in the first semester. In the second semester, you'll unravel intricate financial scenarios using Python, under the guidance of top investment banking professionals.

With our program, you'll be able to spot the best opportunities in the stock market and handle M&A and private equity deals with ease. Our curriculum seamlessly combines rigorous technical instruction with hands-on experience, ensuring you not only succeed in the market but lead it. Enroll with us and shape the future of finance!

Admission requirements

20 / 24 / 50 (Min / Avg / Max)
Work experience (years)
10 (Max)




Address: Paris, France